‘Dragon Ball Super’ Manga Spoilers: 5 Big Predictions For ‘DBS’ Chapter 10 And Beyond

Design&Trend – February 3, 2016 – The “Dragon Ball Super” manga is a good bit ahead of its anime counterpart, so we’ve already gotten a decent glimpse of the inter-universal martial arts tournament.

Still, the majority of the tournament has yet to take place, so it’s only right we engage in some good old fashion speculation. With that in mind, here are five big predictions we have for “DBS” chapter 10 and beyond:

1. Gohan once again becomes a major character

Majin Buu has been disqualified due to an unnecessary written test, so Goku, Vegeta and the rest of the universe six team will need all the help they can get. That’s where Gohan comes in.

Gohan is a saiyan, so he has in him the ability to become as powerful as Goku and Vegeta. At the same time, fans have been complaining about how lame the former child prodigy has become, so this would also be an opportunity to make them happy.

2. Piccolo will transform

Piccolo is definitely going to transform at some point over the next few chapters of “DBS.” This is a martial arts tournament, so his strategies won’t be helpful to anyone but himself. Strategy is only helpful when you’ve got the power to put it into action. Expect Piccolo to get his power unlocked or to become a Super Namek God in the somewhat near future.

3. Gohan transforms

Gohan is only helpful as a character if he becomes much stronger than he was during the Ressurection F arc, so he’s going to need to power up in the very near future. The question is, how will he do so? Will the elder Supreme Guy unlock some sort of other big time power, or will Gohan become a Super Saiyan God? We don’t know the answer, but it’s more than safe to assume that future chapters of “DBS” will see the most powerful Gohan yet!

4. Cabba shows off some unknown variation of Super Saiyan God

The universe six saiyan is about to show us a new Super Saiyan upgrade. It wouldn’t be too surprising for a saiyan from another universe to find other ways to utilize energy, so why would Cabba do everything the same way as Goku and Vegeta? Expect Cabba to inject “DBS” with some originality in the upcoming chapters!

5. Goku and Cabba

Goku and Cabba will fight each other at some point during the upcoming “DBS” chapter. Expect to see Cabba unveil his unique Super Saiyan form during their fight.

What do you think of our “DBS” manga predictions? Sound off in our “comments” section below!

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